Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Evaluation of Preliminary Exercise

My responsibilities during the making of our project included:

  • Cameraman - recording the footage
  • Sound - Holding the microphone so that it could capture the sound and not be in the shot
  • Director - Help keeping the production of the project flowing and ensure the best continuity for the film.
  • Editing - I helped to edit the film into the final piece.
I felt that i made a good contribution in making the film by ensuring continuity between edits by ensuring the actors said the right lines and that the footage overlapped the previous shot as close as it could. I also shot some of the scenes in the film which were used in the film edit and captured the sound in the others that i didnt record myself.

I learnt how to edit the footage that i have captured using video editing software. First logging the shots i want to use from the camera. Then going on the software and selecting those clips and rendering them. Afterwards i use those clips and edits them so that the film is how i want it and that there aren't any continuity mistakes. My skill level with the camera has improved using slow and steady movements so that the camera doesn't shake and makes the footage as steady as i can make it. My directing skill has improved allowing for better ideas and keeping the flow of production so there is less re-takes etc.

I think that the shot-reverse-shot could be improved by having more shots of the people talking to allow for each line of the conversation to be seen when spoken so that the viewer is more comfortable when watching it as they like to see who is talking. Also to make sure that each shot is as close to the other as possible to make less harsh cuts between lines.

I feel that for the first piece of footage that we have made, it went really well. Continuity was good and was edited so that it flowed well. I thought that the edits between the guy walking down the corridor and pushing the door were particularly good and looked like they would on tv. The audio was clear and could hear all that the audience was supposed to hear. There were a few mistakes such as: the shot-reverse-shot was reversed so you could see the person that wasn't speaking instead of the person that was and the actor didn't always do exactly as he did the last shot for example when he sits down he lifted his leg but in the other shot he didn't.

We followed the 180 degree line rule and didn't cross the line which meant that we didn't disorientate the audience. All the shots were in focus and had no footage that was blurred. We mostly followed the rule of thirds however, in some parts the actor was in the middle instead of the third. We used handles either side of the clips so that the clips wouldn't overlap or run into each other and allowed us to easily edit the clips.

Next time i will try and ensure better continuity on the actors part to allow the edits to be done easier and so that there is less mistakes during the filming. I will also try and make the conversations easier to watch by filming the speaker and choosing the correct shots to film to get the conversation to run smooth.

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